The com.vmware.converter item in the vCenter Service Status Page is Displayed in Red
Unable to retrieve health data from “https://<VC servername or IP address>/converter/health.xml” in VMware vCenter Server 4.1.
Note: The URL https://xx.xx.xx.xx/converter/health.xml can be accessed via an Internet browser on the vCenter Server machine.
Resolution: This issue has been resolved in vCenter Server 4.1 Update 1.
Workaround: To solve this issue, try using a fully qualified domain name or IP address to register vCenter Converter with vCenter Server. This may help in some cases.
Alternatively, replace the thumbprint entry of Converter in the ADAM LDAP database with the vCenter Server thumbprint.
To replace the Converter thumbprint with the vCenter Server thumbprint:
Caution: This workaround has only been tested for configurations where vCenter Server and Converter co-exist on the same machine. Do not perform this workaround if vCenter Server and Converter are on different servers.
- To connect to the LDAP server running on vCenter Server:
- Install ldp.exe if it is not already installed, then open ldp.exe.
- Go to Connection > Connect and enter the hostname of the vCenter Server to which you want to connect.
- Go to Connection > Bind and enter authentication information. You can use the admin account.
- To see all contexts of the ADAM server, go to View > Tree View. Do not fill anything in Base DN. Click OK.
- Note the vmw-vc-SSLThumbprint attribute values of vCenter Server's SSL certificate.
- Double-click DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int, then double click:
- OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- OU=ComponentSpecs,OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- CN=<GUID>,OU=ComponentSpecs,OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- CN=<GUID>.vpxd,CN=<GUID>,OU=ComponentSpecs,OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- When you double-click the last node, you see a list of attributes under the object. Look at vmw-vc-SSLThumbprint and note the vmw-vc-SSLThumbprint attribute value.
- Replace the vmw-vc-SSLThumbprint attribute values of Converter health component-spec.
Double-click DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int, then double-click:
- OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- OU=ComponentSpecs,OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- CN=com.vmware.converter,CN=<GUID>,OU=ComponentSpecs,OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int
- Note the vmw-vc-SSLThumbprint attribute value for backup.
- Right-click CN=com.vmware.converter,CN=<GUID>,OU=ComponentSpecs,OU=Health,DC=virtualcenter,DC=vmware,DC=int and choose Modify.
- Enter this data:
- Attribute – vmw-vc-SSLThumbprint
- Values – the value from step 2b
- Operation – Replace
- Click Enter.
- Click Run.
- At this point it may be neccesary to restart the VirtualCenter Server service and the VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices.
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