Operations Manager services stop unexpectedly on a Root Management Server whose operating system was upgraded to Windows Server 2008 R2
After you upgrade the operating system on a Root Management Server to Windows Server 2008 R2, the following services may continue to stop unexpectedly:
- In Operations Manager 2007 SP1: The OpsMgr Config service and the OpsMgr SDK service
- In Operations Manager 2007 R2: System Center Management Configuration and System Center Data Access
In this case, some events are logged for these service terminations in the System log. These events have a source of "Service Control Manager" and an Event ID of 7031.
No SDK connectivity will be available. The Operations Console, Connectors, and any other SDK client connections will fail. Additionally, the Root Management Server will be unable to calculate or distribute new configurations, such as updates to group memberships, new or updated overrides, or management pack distribution.
This issue is resolved for Operations Manager 2007 SP1 by applying the update rollup that is documented in the Knowlege Base (KB) article 971541. After an upgrade of the root management service (RMS) operating system to Windows Server 2008 R2 either apply, or reapply the update rollup to the RMS.
This issue is resolved for Operations Manager 2007 R2 by applying Cumulative Update 1 documented in the Knowlege Base (KB) article KB974144. After an upgrade of the root management service (RMS) operating system to Windows Server 2008 R2 either apply, or reapply the update rollup to the RMS.
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