Create users can be a very easy task if you use scripts and templates. Now we need: A CSV file NewUsers.csv and following data Name, User principal Name, Organizational Unit and Mailbox database: Name,UPN,OU,edb Ramirez,ramirez@Mydomain.loc,Mydomain.loc/Mydomain/Users,Mailbox database Create a Mailbox Template and configure with parameters that you want, for example: _TemplateComercial Create a script and save it, for example: filename.ps1 Param( [string] $Template, [string] $CSVFile ) $temp=get-mailbox $Template $Pass=convertto-securestring Password123 -asplaintext -force import-csv $CSVFile | foreach-object -process {new-mailbox -name $ -userprincipalname $_.UPN -organizationalunit $_.OU -database $_.EDB -password $pass -resetpasswordonnextlogon $true -templateinstance $temp} Save your script in you exchange installation for example: D:\Program Files\Mic...